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When a Trust May Not Be Needed

A man in a woods deciding which path to take

When an individual who meets the income requirements for Medicaid Expansion and does NOT need Long-Term Care or a Waiver program receives a windfall (PI Settlement, Back-payment in SSA, Inheritance), as there is no asset test for the Medicaid Expansion Service.

Individuals need to evaluate their eligibility for other programs such as LEAP, Food Stamps, etc.

Individuals need to evaluate the other benefits of placing funds in a Special Needs Trust, like:

  • Budgeting – CFPD provides a plan for spending or saving to reflect your goals
  • Protection from exploitation.
  • CFPD provides a link to a network of community partners and resources.

So what are my next steps?

Consult with an attorney who is well-versed in the Affordable Care Act.

Call CFPD to discuss your individual situation. Our staff have been trained in the ACA and follow the implementation of new services and the impact of SNTs.